Things to remind myself:
Don’t take too many selfies
Don’t look at yourself in the mirror for too long.
If I have to, I should look in the mirror when the lights are dimmed.
When you think about boys don’t compare yourself to them.
Better still, don’t compare yourself to anyone.
Think about art.
Go to as many galleries as you can.
Broaden my knowledge of culture.
Read more books.
Watch more films.
Learn more languages.
Be more sociable.
Be as kind as you can to others.
And as hard as it may be, remember to avoid being a perfectionist.
Pubes are cute. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Pubes are cute. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Apathetic teenage boy tries to make himself feel good by taking...

Apathetic teenage boy tries to make himself feel good by taking naked pictures of himself when he is at his nans house.
Art makes me forget all my worries, or makes me think about how I can utilise them as inspiration....
Art makes me forget all my worries, or makes me think about how I can utilise them as inspiration. Art is happiness for me. Nothing else feels the same.

Dream photo: me with long hair , wearing black, standing by a bush with lots of nice big pink...
Dream photo: me with long hair , wearing black, standing by a bush with lots of nice big pink flowers. Taken at night, on a disposable camera with flash.
I feel like I’m living a lie because I only take selfies of my good side.
I feel like I’m living a lie because I only take selfies of my good side.
I think that if my skin was nice and if I got fucked by someone hot every once in a while I’d...
I think that if my skin was nice and if I got fucked by someone hot every once in a while I’d feel better about myself.
Wow my skin looks shit! Maybe its just my camera? Doubt it. But I look okay in the mirror? I...
Wow my skin looks shit! Maybe its just my camera? Doubt it. But I look okay in the mirror? I don’t know what’s real anymore.I am Feeling so ugly but I’m trying desperately to keep hold of this happiness from yesterday.
Everything fluctuates so quickly. One minute I feel like bursting into tears and the next I am...
Everything fluctuates so quickly. One minute I feel like bursting into tears and the next I am smiling manically from insane happiness. It’s been like this for about 2/3 weeks now.
I feel happy because we were in the car and I told my dad why I feel sad and then he talked about...
I feel happy because we were in the car and I told my dad why I feel sad and then he talked about when he lived in Oman for 4 years. And then he said that next year in summer I could go to Berlin. I’m okay I feel okay.
This is the weird side of my face that I don't...

This is the weird side of my face that I don't understand/like
my sister said anja plaschg was ugly. stupid sister.
my sister said anja plaschg was ugly. stupid sister.
i could feel the bones in my face moving as i slept
i could feel the bones in my face moving as i slept
this girl is a wondrous creature i adore her so much she is an...
this girl is a wondrous creature i adore her so much she is an absolute idol of mine :) beautiful soul
im going out
im going out
this self hatred is becoming really horrible, i want to be happy
this self hatred is becoming really horrible, i want to be happy
imagine going up to someone and telling them you masturbated over them last night
imagine going up to someone and telling them you masturbated over them last night
my friend said to me: ” you’re the typical person to get a mental illness, just...
my friend said to me: ” you’re the typical person to get a mental illness, just sayin’ “
Rok temu, dowiedziałem się, że się pisze I mòwi; "zemdleje", a nie "zędleje". To był chba największi...
Rok temu, dowiedziałem się, że się pisze I mòwi; "zemdleje", a nie "zędleje". To był chba największi szok w mojim życiu.
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