"I think it's intoxicating when somebody is so unapologetically who they are."
"I think it's intoxicating when somebody is so unapologetically who they are."- Don Cheadle
"I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if..."
"I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself."- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
chahooo: streetstyle blog yo

streetstyle blog yo
"The biggest lie you can ever tell yourself is believing that nothing will ever change."
"The biggest lie you can ever tell yourself is believing that nothing will ever change."Photo

"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity..."
"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you."- Goi Nasu (via whothefck)
"Someday you'll find the right person, and you'll learn to have a lot more confidence in yourself...."
"Someday you'll find the right person, and you'll learn to have a lot more confidence in yourself. That's what I think. So don't settle for anything less. In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It's important to combine the two in just the right amount."- Haruki Murakami (via awelltraveledwoman)
An Embrace
*girl’s point of view*
It's strange how I never noticed it. He wasn’t manly, he wasn’t brawny, nor was he reliable, but as he wrapped his arms around me it was as if he embraced everything I was about. As if everything that defined me as a person was bundled up in a little ball and cradled like a precious child after birth. I still don’t understand it and probably never will. Still, it was odd, to feel so enclosed and sheltered within those enveloping arms. I was completely immersed in a sea of security I wouldn’t have ever known existed until that very moment. And the most peculiar part about it all was that it is just in his arms specifically. I hug my friends everyday: my best friends, my guy friends, my parents, but this was a sensation all of its own. This was much warmer than any hug I ever had. It was soothing despite my racing heartbeat and the fluttering thoughts that cluttered my mind. And just the way his skin gently grazed against mine, and his tender breath in the back of my neck as he pulled me in closer — oh my god, words cannot explain. There was so many things I wanted to say to him, but I believed the faint whispers I would have whimpered out would be overshadowed by the mutual silence we shared. I didn’t know whether I wanted to look up and stare into his eyes and see what kind of expression he was making, or just bury my face deep into his chest. But regardless, here I am, in his arms that cradled me in my own little world, which is also now my second home.
Fish eyes are fun

Fish eyes are fun
Feelings Alone
“What? You plan on making some sort of difference with just your feelings alone?”
The young man was agitated by this and that’s because it was a true statement. He dislike being scolded by others, but those were some words he believe he needed to hear. He pursued his love with raw emotion, unrefined at the most with plenty of potential, yet he never took his time to mold it into something great. As if his answer to the “Why” or “How” was simply “It’s something I am passionate about.”
“And so what if you have an incredible passion for something? Do you expect change simply because you love it? Do you expect things to fall into place and create good just by staring hard and saying to yourself ‘Godamn I love this more than anybody else ever will’ or ‘I feel more strongly about this belief than anyone in history’. It’s what you decide to do with that passion and conviction that will make the difference. What you feel, alone, cannot change the world let alone anything. But it’s how you utilize it that can make all the difference. This is what separates the doers from the thinkers, and the idealists from the leaders. It’s okay to feel strongly for something, but take a stand for your feelings and accompany it with something else. That way they can blossom properly and give you that change you were hoping for. Besides, no one is really going to understand how you feel about something until you can show them with legitimate action.”
The young man couldn’t be more irritated. Fuck. “Have I been going about this all wrong?” he had thought to himself. He sat there quietly letting it all simmer in dwindling his fingers in agitated confusion. He knew what to do, but couldn’t come to face the facts to accept the undeniable truth. It was about time he set himself straight.

Listen, Ill prolly never be that guy when I walk by you lick...
Listen, Ill prolly never be that guy when I walk by you lick your lips and you probably wont start switchin your hips on purpose when you walk by me. And Ill prolly never be the star of your fantasy and hell, if I was ever in your dream, you'd prolly be passin me, over to that big burly guy with his shirt off, with the whip cream and hot candle wax, and thats okay cause I wanna get to know you.. before I get in you.
And my Hindu friend once told me the beauty of karma so I thought if I shared my soul, I might get one in return. In return, I wanna find my connection, not too concerned with affection cause I understand that in time, that will come.
But this is for those guys that are looking for a beautiful soul, not a quick fix. For my guys lookin for their wives, not these quick tricks. For my understand-that-our-bodies-arent-always- going-to-be-strong-enough-for-sex guys. So lookin to see if our-minds-still-connect guys.
This is for my bringing-your-favorite-flowers, sit-up-and-talk-for-hours-just-to-hear-you-laugh guys. And see, I wanna remember the color of your eyes before I remember the taste of your inner thigh. I want the color of your eyes to be the reason why I open mine and my eyes are open. And they say when you're lookin for gold, simply start by putting yourself in a place where gold is. Im lookin for your soul, so Ill start back where your soul sits your eyes.
And this is for those guys that understand that to make love, you must first have love. This is for my destiny-is-written-above guys. This is to us needing, loving, and treating you the way a woman should be treated. All the times we loved, and all the times we mistreated our love. All our fights, arguments, and all the times we got heated because it happens, and people do that.
Now that were past all of that, now we know that love is more than physical, this is to us having the best, most amazing sex, I mean, I mean, love of our lives. Peace.


"'If the girl had been worth having she'd have waited for you?' No, sir, the girl really worth having..."
"'If the girl had been worth having she'd have waited for you?' No, sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody."- F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise
An old friend of mine once told me what he believed happiness was — “Occupy yourself so...
An old friend of mine once told me what he believed happiness was — “Occupy yourself so that no clouded thought may soil your mind.” It was quite the interesting statement, a false happiness you could say, but a happiness nonetheless. I still can’t determine whether living by this code may actually benefit me or may just come to bite me up the ass later, but I might say it’s working at the moment. Though, I would still like to face my personal issues directly, and accept all mishaps and just let it go. To me, I believe that is true happiness; just really letting everything go.



Multiple Choice
The answers are placed right in front of you, yet you still choose to find another way to solve the problem. A, C, D, A, A - if you think about it, everything is multiple choice, except it doesn’t stop at D, all of the above. It’s just a ceaseless list of mixed and matched possibilities. Now what do we do? Thing is, you already know. Your judgment is just clouded due to those possibilities. “This seems like the right answer, but this also has a little bit of truth in it as well.” You fluster. You’re agitated. What the hell, now I can’t decide. Maybe it’s D, both A and B are correct, or E, both A and C are correct. Now you’re just confusing yourself. Geez. Simplify it, cut it all down. Narrow your thoughts and realize that you might have already known what the answer you are looking for this whole time. I get it, you’re afraid to make the wrong choice. But that’s what tests are for; learn from your mistakes and do better. Keep improving. You know what to work on. Don’t be discouraged if you get a couple of wrong marks. It won’t go against you, after all, I’m sure life will round to the nearest ten and curve your score. I don’t think anyone has ever lived a perfect life.
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