monsieurlabette: Siegfried and the Magic Bird - Charles S...

Siegfried and the Magic Bird - Charles S Ricketts
lenicolaspiaf: Passport of Edith Piaf.

Passport of Edith Piaf.
sdzoo: WONDERFUL WU by WisteriaLane

tobytoy: Matt Fishel - "When Boy Meets Boy" (Official Music...
Matt Fishel - "When Boy Meets Boy" (Official Music Video) GAY THEMED


eqiunox: Paris the White tiger by *Allerlei

sqwhirlly: fetishmen-ryan: I feel there is a regular need to...

I feel there is a regular need to post shit like this. Just to make sure people know
NSFW either

atavus: Sam Jennings - Cupid's Kiss, 2013

Sam Jennings - Cupid's Kiss, 2013
nosoytuchiste: I'm Not a Joke is a campaign spreading awareness...

I'm Not a Joke is a campaign spreading awareness for the LGBTI community through art and design, created by Daniel Arzola (@Arzola_d) for the school of Visual Arts Rafael Monasterios in light of the recent violent acts against the sexually diverse community in Venezuela. It initially seeks to expand in the online community. If you'd like to share your opinion please do so via twitter using the hashtag #ImNotaJoke. Like our page on Facebook and share our designs to support our cause!
2headedsnake: Annie Cattrell 'Capacity', 2000, lamp worked...

Annie Cattrell
'Capacity', 2000, lamp worked glass

likeafieldmouse: Justin Bartels - Impression (2012)

Justin Bartels - Impression (2012)
kampocyamuzu: Martin Herbert

Martin Herbert
nevver: Screw

nevver: The Simpsons

"We're neither pure, nor wise, nor good; we do the best we know."
"We're neither pure, nor wise, nor good; we do the best we know."- Voltaire (via likeafieldmouse)
monsieurlabette: Salvator Rosa, Prometheus Bound, 1648-50

Salvator Rosa, Prometheus Bound, 1648-50
monsieurlabette: Oleg Sergeev

Oleg Sergeev
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